Geocaching: It's all about the numbers!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Start of our Geocoin Collection

We've loved finding geocoins since we first started caching. They are all so beautiful and unique and it's always fun to discover a new one! We have finally decided to start our own collection. In February we joined the Geoswag Geocoin and Pin Club and we are expecting our first coin of the month at the end of March.

Last night, we did some shopping at Geoswag and purchased 3 new coins. It was tough making the decision on which ones to purchase because there were so many we loved.

We chose a Deaf Awareness Coin together because since taking American Sign Language classes, we have become involved with the Deaf Community and have several deaf friends. I had a really difficult time in ASL class the first time I attempted to explain geocaching in sign language, mainly because there is no sign for geocaching. Because we both talk about our hobby/obsession so much while in our ASL class, I finally made up a sign for geocaching, I combined the signs for "earth" and "find." Our ASL instructor, who is deaf, said she loved the sign! For those wondering about the signs on the coin, the hands are fingerspelling the word "geocaching."

I chose a Supercacher DNF Duo Geocoin because it definately takes a supercacher to have 2 (or more) DNFs in a row and still keep on going. This has happened to us on more than one occasion!! It's also happened to us many, many times when searching for Stressmaster's caches (the Master of camo). But, even though we all have those days when it seems like we come up with DNF after DNF, it's still fun just to be on the hunt! Plus, we decided on this coin because we both just thought it was really cool looking!

John picked out the 3rd coin we purchased, which is the Four Elements Geocoin. This is one of the most beautiful coins we have seen yet and we were both immediately drawn to it. The design is amazing!

The 4th coin we are adding to our new collection is the Leap Year Geocoin and which we won tonight during an Ebay auction. I received an email about the coin going on sale, but when I checked on it, the coins had already sold out. I was really upset because not only is it a truly beautiful coin, but we found our 900th cache on Leap Day this year and we wanted the coin to commemorate the find. Well, today there were four of the coins on Ebay and all of the auctions were ending this evening. I lost the first 3 auctions and was terribly disappointed. Someone beat me during the last few seconds each time. But the last auction proved to be lucky for us and I prevailed and won the coin! I was so excited and John was excited for me because he knew how badly I wanted it. We immediately paid for the coin through paypal, so hopefully it will be on its way to us soon!
We have no plans to ever release any of our coins. Even if we didn't have to fear them being stolen, we still prefer to be able to enjoy them ourselves and we also like having the opportunity to share them with our friends at events and/or on the trail. If you ever meet up with us, feel free to ask about our coins and we will be more than happy for you to discover them!


mamaciku said...

Hi Guys! Am I really the first? Box of Treasures here in western Massachusetts. Greetings! It sounds like all of us who have this caching bug, just can't get it when we wonder why anyone WOULDN"T want to be doing this??? I regularly correspond with about 30 cachers from 30 different countries because of a world wide TB race my partner, Wicca57 and I set off. I can be texting with Bahrain, Sweden, South Africa and Newfoundland while we are all opening a cache if I care to! I love caching...

The reason for this note is that Iwas googling for a deaf awareness geocoin, and I had to admire your coins! I wanted to ask you about a few. But if I leave you my email address or via, it might not annoy ALL the other commenters from avid coin collectors. It is or under my profile box of treasures(yes, spaces). I created a newbie caching crazy friend earlier this winter- she is just graduating from college next week and I want to give her a deaf awareness coin because he thesis is on the effect of cochlear implants- and she is a sign interpreter at a local university. Help me out guys!!

Box of Treasures

Mary and Bob said...

Hey there! Nice collection so far!

In case you want to add to your collection we are selling off part of our collection of older coins.